Help Selecting the Correct Gas Regulator for Your Application
Natural gas regulators perform two vital tasks in the delivery of gas to residential homes: the reduction of pressure and the regulation of pressure. At, we provide a wide selection of natural gas regulator options for requirements in the industrial, residential, and commercial sectors. Our selection includes Norgas gas regulators, Maxitrol gas regulators, and Itron gas regulatorss meaning we’ll have the right product for any application.
Industrial Applications for Using a Gas Regulator
Pressure reducing regulators operate within a natural gas system for purposes of transmission and distribution. Farm taps and field regulators are a part of the systems for residential, commercial, industrial, and utilization services. Also involved are fixed factor or pressure factor billing measurement. These regulators operate in industrial plants to control gas pressure. The use of pressure reducing gas regulators also occurs in city gate and district stations.
Consider the following factors when selecting the correct gas regulator for your application:
Body Materials
When evaluating a gas regulator, consider the materials from which the regulator is constructed based on the properties and purity of the gas used in the application. The gas regulators we offer are bodies manufactured with cast iron, aluminum, and epoxy coated aluminum. (add specifics about advantages of each body material?)
Single and Dual Stage Regulators
With a single stage regulator, a single step is involved in the reduction of pressure in order to convey that pressure within a desired range. As the cylinder pressure decreases during operation, these regulators indicate a small change in the delivery pressure. The use of single stage regulators is perfect for applications in which the inlet pressure does not vary, or keeping the outlet pressure at a constant level is not critical, and where the operator can monitor and adjust the pressure as required.
Dual stage and single state regulators operate in the same way. However, double stage regulators provide for uniform delivery of pressure even as the pressure inside the cylinder decreases. Since the reduction of pressure occurs in two steps, pressure control is maintained and is more accurate. Double stage casts regulators are well suited for applications that require a constant, unchanging outlet pressure.
For information about the gas regulator products we offer at, call us today at 866.345.5111 or fill out our contact form. Or, shop for the gas regulators you need right now our website.